Sunday, January 6, 2008


It's fascinating how much effect 25 additional mg of Zoloft can have.

In other happy news, I passed all my classes last semester, which makes me absolutely giddy. Granted, I got a few C's, which according to the insane rules of my university means I'm still on academic probation. Whatever, that just means I have to meet with my advisor twice a month. whatever.

breathing a sigh of relief. Now maybe my insomnia will go away.

2007 is definitely looking better than 2008.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

I'd rather not do that again, please

This year was the first time when I sat down on New Year's Eve and thought about the past year that I thought "wow, that really fucking sucked."

So here's to hoping 2008 is a hell of a lot better than 2007. But really, it has to be....right?

Going to see the psychiatrist tomorrow, gonna make her earn her co-pay for once.