Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A Day In My Head

The following is a summary of the thoughts that have passed through my brain today, inspired by the format of Riese's recent blog entry

12:01 am
- I should go to bed.

2 am
- ok, I'm in bed, why can't I sleep? Shit, is my Biochemistry lab due tomorrow? ah, fuck it.

7:00 am
- fuck off you fucking alarm.

7:15 am
- fuck I need to get up or I'll be late for class

Do I really need to go to class today?

-yes, I really do need to go to class.

- where the fuck is my ID? It should be in the pocket of these jeans, why isn't it in the pocket? What the fuck? When was the last time I had it? yesterday, after I moved my car. Did I leave it in my car? I don't want to have to go all the way to the parking garage. No, I got back into the dorm building with it after moving my car. Where the fuck is it? Why is my room such a fucking mess? fuck, i have to leave now or I'll be late.

7:45-What the hell is my ID doing on the kitchen table? I never leave my shit on the table. whatever, gonna be late

8:00 am-8:50am- organic chemistry, Friedel-Crafts Acylation reactions, am I supposed to remember that shit from last semester? How are these people functioning this early? must keep head down and pretend to write so he doesn't call on me. Oh fuck, those papers on the desk are our exams from last week. I totally failed that exam. shit.

8:50 am- professor says that the exams were good overall, which means I'll feel even more frustrated and disappointed when I fail. ok, moment of truth, flip to the last page.....55% shit...wait...C+....damn, only in organic chemistry is getting half right perfectly acceptable.

8:50-9- talk to Jenna. She did better than me, naturally. She's behind in Organic lab, couldn't get her derivative to crystalize either, shit i hope mine crystalized in the cold room over the weekend.

9-9:50- Biochemistry lecture- membrane transport, blah blah blah, stuff we've already covered in cell bio, falling asleep, shit, the lab report is due today! well, it has to be in his box before he gets to his office tomorrow morning. Whatever, Yennhi says it's an easy lab to write.

10-10:50- Cell Biology lecture- microtubules, cytoskeleton, 9+2 arrangement, basal bodies, thank G-d he posts his lectures online, because I'm not taking intelligible notes.

11:00- back to the dorm, Charlotte looks like she just got up, tell her I'm gonna take a nap, "you don't have class today?" No Charlotte, I've already been in class for 3 hours.

11-1:30 nap

1:35- I need to start my lab report. I need to find a summer internship. I need to start preparing for the GRE exam. I need to find grad schools to apply to. I should go to grad school in NYC. I can't afford NYC. I can't even afford to visit my brother in Oregon during spring break. Why did mom have to kill my excitement? I would have figured out on my own that I can't afford it, couldn't she let me be excited for a little bit and let me ruin my own plans?

2-3:30- various forms of procrastination. I can totally get up at 5:30 tomorrow and get the lab to my professor's office before he gets there. Then I can go back and sleep the rest of the day, I don't have classes on Thursdays. I can totally procrastinate longer.
3:30- ooh, hello Google Reader, I've missed you!

4:30-6 teevee! (no original/significant thoughts produced)

6:00- I haven't eaten today, I should fix that.

6:30- okay, starting lab report, definitely gonna have to get up before dawn to turn it in.

blah blah hemoglobin, cytochrome C, carbonic anhydrase, blah blah blah

11:30- finished lab report. Why the fuck did I wait until so late to do it? fuck, I don't want to wake up early. I'm not even tired now.

12:00- maybe writing a blog will help me sleep?

12:30-OMG Tegan and Sara are playing in Boston on a day when I don't have classes....must call Cristina and force her to come with me.....

12:45- Boston is sold out, and the Northampton show is on Tuesday, and I have classes Tuesday. The world hates me.

12:50- unless Crisitna is willing to pay $60.... she really needs to answer my texts/IMs/emails/facebook messages.

Update, 1:55 pm thursday- We're going to Tegan and Sara! I have incurred a rather large overdraft fee on my debit card, but I don't care. For whatever reason my bank approved the charge and i just got the confirmation email. Now I just need my mom to put more money on my card.....



prin said...

omg! I just had a flashback to three years ago. Cytochrome C, 9+ 2... oh the nightmares! *faints*

Jo said...

haha! yes, my life is a nightmare.