Friday, October 19, 2007

The Future Freaks Me Out

I don't have a clear outline for this blog, but my room is clean for the first time in a long while, and I'm still feeling productive, so I'm just gonna write for a while.

It just hit me this week that I'm a junior in college. That means I really need to start looking into grad school. Which means I need to start preparing for the GRE's. I just looked at the practice exams online, and had a serious flashback to SAT's in high school. Only I did well on the SAT's really well, actually. and yet I don't know the answers to the majority of the questions on the practice exam. I seriously feel like I'm back at [crappy regional, overcrowded, public high school]. Trying to figure out the best, most efficient way to find a school, preparing for and taking daunting standardized tests, having an adviser who can't/won't give me advise or guidance. The only main difference is that in high school I knew that I was at the top of my class and would get into my respected first choice school, and now I'm having a hard time imagining any decent schools accepting me.

Not that I have any sort of list of possible schools to apply to. When I was in high school, I kept my college search to my home state. The idea of moving across the country was far too daunting at 18. Now I would have no problem with moving 3,000 miles away. I might even want to. That increases my possibilities by approximately 1000%. Now that's daunting.

And then there's the question of what kind of program I want to apply to. I know I want to go into medical research, but that's a very large field. And I've discovered that a lot of Ph.D programs in the sciences don't necessarily require you to posses a Master's degree, so I could potentially cut out 2 years of school and go straight into PH.D work. Except I don't have anything to make me stand out from the other applicants. I know a guy who is applying to only Ph.D programs, and if he doesn't get accepted, he's not going to go to school at all until he does get into a Ph.D program. I think I'll probably apply to a mic=x if Masters and Ph.D programs, because you could waste years applying and reapplying to Ph.D programs without a masters, when you could have been earning a masters and then getting into a Ph.D program.

And I need to find a summer internship/lab assistant job.

The other night when I was pulling an all-nighter to finish a lab report on time, it occurred to me that I could be so much more productive if I didn't have to sleep. seriously, think about it. we waste 8 hours a day unconscious.

Although, knowing myself, I would probably waste the extra 8 hours doing nothing while conscious anyway.


prin said...

It's so crazy reading your blog. I was exactly where you are two years go (or maybe three? I finished my undergrad last year).

All I can say is try to take a lot of biochem and microbiology courses because the fall back careers seem to be in either of those. And definitely do the internships and be everything to your supervisor because they can make or break your career.

btw, I'm an accountant now. lol

Jo said...

oh God, your last sentence made me want to cry. How did you go from science to accounting?

Thanks for the advise!

prin said...

I applied and applied and applied for biology jobs, and then I shot one out for accounting and I got the accounting one and it paid way more than the biology jobs (that I didn't get, lol).

Yeah, it