Sunday, November 11, 2007

Hello Rock Bottom, Nice to Meet You

Last Friday (the 2nd) I received the most devastating phone call of my life, when my best friend Tim called to tell me that my (other) best friend Kerry had passed away. She was 21, would have turned 22 on Nov. 20th, truly healthy and happy for possibly the first time in her life, and when she took a nap before her afternoon class, she didn't wake up.

Friday night was the lowest point in my entire life. I thought about blogging in more depth about the past week, but right now, when I have a small amount of closure (or maybe I'm simply compartmentalizing my emotions, which is probably more likely) and a whole weeks of lectures and exams to make up, I just can't relive the past week.

I may not post again for awhile, on account of the massive amounts of work I have and the fact that life occurrences now seem so insignificant, but I'll be around. And eventually I'll be back.


Cristina said...

i was reading some blogs.
this is very hard.
im sorry.
you must try to be strong.

i wish your next text.

one kiss and a los of hughs

riese said...

I'm sorry.

This seems to have been a cruel month for everyone ... I literally just read three blogs in a row where someone died.

Things have to get better, they just have to, yeah?

prin said...

I'm so sorry. (hugs)

I hope you're ok. :(

Marcia said...

I'm so sorry. I know that when these things happen, all the things your friends and family, let alone strangers on the internet, say, don't make a big difference.

My dad didn't wake up one morning, either. I've come to regard sleep as a kind of cruel thief. People always say they want to die in their sleep, but half the time (and it's been a year and a half) I'm afraid to go to sleep.

I guess the main things is: hang in there. Life is hard and inexplicable, but also rich and rewarding, and Riese's post that sent you to my blog and vice versa, said it better than I can.

I'm glad I've found you and your blog. You seem like a kindred spirit.