Sunday, September 30, 2007

Apparently I live in the Ukraine

I've had yet another one of those weekends where on Friday I had such a productive weekend planned out, when I planned on getting completely caught up on my work, but now its Sunday evening and I have accomplished absolutely nothing. Well, nothing productive. I did spend a good chunk of time which could have been spent on scholastic endeavors exploring sitemeter, where i learned a couple interesting tidbits.

First of all, apparently I live in the Ukraine. This is news to me as I have sadly, and not for lack of effort never traveled outside of the States. But sure enough, right there on the map of locations of visitors to my blog, was a little circle in the Ukraine labeled with my school's network. Huh.

Also, someone from a town 40 minutes away, where people I know live, has been reading this blog. As I stated in my first entry, I am looking for some level of anonymity on here, so it kinda freaks me out that someone I actually know might be reading this.

Also, someone in Florida is reading. And there's a couple dots in NYC. And then there's Crystal (I'm assuming) in Australia.

So in conclusion, this was truly a wasted weekend. I'm gonna go try and salvage it by being productive in the few hours that are left. Really, I am......

Yeah, right. I didn't even believe myself there.


stef said...

omg you are my mysterious reader from the ukraine. that has been driving me and my sitemeter crazy for months... when i was in san diego i looked at my blog and sitemeter said i was in kansas. i don't know what sitemeter's deal is.

DH said...

I could very well be your Australian reader, because I'm fairly sure my IP does indeed say I live in Sydney. Or Auburn. I have a few of them.

I have sitemetre but I never look at it, but if I do then I can totally rule you out. I began using it out of curiosity, but then hits from Australia started appearing and I started getting super paranoid - likewise, it freaked me out too much about the possibility of people I know reading. So instead of trying to enhance the anonymity, I just stopped looking at it.