Thursday, September 20, 2007

Insert Overused Emo Lyrics Here

So if I'm gonna be rambling on about myself, it would probably make things easier if I told you a little about myself so my ramblings can be put into context. So here we go:

-I am 20 years old
-I am a Biochemistry major at a University in Massachusetts which I absolutely love, but which costs $40,000 a year. Ergo, I am broke.
-I want a career in medical research.
-I was born with a birth defect called Spina Bifida (google it if you want details), and while I have enough function in my legs to walk short distances, I use a wheelchair to get around most of the time.
-I grew up in a small, conservative town and now go to a very liberal school in the city- it's amazing!
-As far as my sexual orientation goes, I have no fucking clue. I've never had much of a social life, dedicating most of my time to school, so I don't have any experience in the area to clarify things. My high school was not gay-friendly, and while I was friends with the few brave ones who came out in high school, I never felt comfortable enough to explore the possibility of being gay/bi. Now that I am in a much more welcoming environment, I've realized I'm probably at least bi, but I'm too busy with school to explore that possibility further. For the time being, I shall remain asexual.
-I have a real problem with procrastination. Right now I need to be studying for an Organic Chemistry exam, a Biochemistry quiz, writing a Cell Biology lab report, and finishing a Medical Ethics paper. Instead I am writing this.

1 comment:

DH said...

As a fellow procrastinator, I think blogging is possibly the best/worst thing for our kind.

Thanks for giving some background info, it really helps. Hm. It makes me wonder if I should do something similar. Don't know. Medical research, that's really interesting, you seem really committed to your studies, that's great.