Saturday, September 15, 2007

Hello Cruel World

Up until I entered college, I had a therapist I went to on a regular basis. The frequency changed as my life changed, and the face of the therapist changed as I got older. When I started college, I had the brilliant idea to stop seeing a therapist. The past three years have been the most stressful of my life, and to deal with the stress I have made unsuspecting individuals in my life into stand-in therapists.

About 6 months ago I got sucked into this virtual blogging world. Back in high school I had a livejournal, but gave up on that when I graduated. I do, however remember the therapeutic experience of spilling my guts out into cyberland. So, you, my hypothetically existent readers are my new surrogate therapists.

I say hypothetically existent because I am not going to tell any of my real life friends about the existence of this blog. I can call them up any time and complain about my life. There's something more effective about getting feedback and empathy from strangers.

A little warning: this blog will not be filled with the same fascinating literary brilliance as found in the blogs seen on the blogroll to the side there. I'm a science major; I don't do creative writing. Also, since I'm not actively going to promote this blog in any way, I have no idea if anyone will find it and read it. So if you do find yourself reading these words, please leave a comment just so I know that someone out there is listening.

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