Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Ritalin and Rockstar

Right now, across my schools very small campus, Gym Class Heroes are playing a concert in the campus auditorium. I don't love GCH, but they're not bad, and it would have been nice to have a little fun tonight. So why am I not at the concert? Because some genius (read: idiot) scheduled a concert on a Tuesday on a college campus that is the polar opposite of a party school, full of students who actually care a great deal about academics, and my evil Cell Biology professor rescheduled our exam for Wednesday morning. So instead of having fun like a 20 year old college student should, I am in my room doing the responsible thing- studying.

If this were a chemistry exam, I wouldn't be as worried and would totally be at the concert. In chemistry we have 7 exams per semester, they are usually steeply scaled, and our lowest exam grade gets dropped. In Cell Bio we have 3 exams, none of which get dropped, and none of which get scaled. at all. even if everyone fails. Also, the professor is notorious for putting questions on the exams about material that isn't in the text, and he only briefly mentioned in lecture.

So i'm sitting here, writing this as I chug Rockstar energy drinks and wait for the Ritalin I just took to kick in, wishing that I had chosen a less demanding major so that I could enjoy my college years. But I'll save my rant about the injustices Biochemistry majors must endure for another post- I can feel the Ritalin starting to kick in.


DH said...

That sucks you're stuck studying. I don't know who Gym Class Heroes are, sounds a little emo/punk though.

I don't know what Rockstar energy drinks are either, but it's 10am and I've been procrastinating from working, so I'd like one.

stef said...

iii know gym class heroes; i don't know if they're local but i used to see all kinds of nyc bands i liked opening up for gym class heroes at tiny little clubs... and now they are HUGE. it's totally weird.

i never took ritalin to help me study in college and i'm not really sure why; i bet it would have helped a ton. i didn't even drink red bull until after i graduated, really. what was wrong with me?

i hope you at least did well on your exam! what do you intend to do with a biochemistry degree? i am in awe of people with "real" degrees.

Jo said...

Ah, well see the only thing anyone can really do with a Bachelor's degree in Biochemistry is either a)Wash test tubes in the lab of a brilliant, successful, rich scientist or b)go through years and years of grad school to hopefully, eventually become said scientists and employ lab slaves with only Bachelor degrees.

I plan on following path b and eventually, hopefully, have a medical research career.

As for the exam, it could go either way. I'll find out Monday.